Couples Intensive
Couples Intensive
For more detailed and comprehensive information on a Couples Intensive with me please visit www.azcouplesintensive.com
A couple’s intensive is an accelerated version of standard couple’s therapy. Intensives allow for rapid de-escalation of negative cycles with an opportunity to hone in on major barriers within the relationship, and more quickly move toward repairing and strengthening your bond. Intensives are designed for those couples who want to leave their therapy experience with a notebook full of information and exercises specific to their relationship needs. We use the two-day experience to focus on how you and your partner can address anything from your communication needs, conflict resolution, previous infidelities or betrayals, sexual intimacy, as well as learn how to grow and develop the relationship you want to be in. You learn a new way to communicate with each other that will stick over time. This format is for you if you are desperate for change and need relief as soon as possible.
The intensive is a private, personalized experience. It provides an opportunity for you and your partner to immerse yourselves in a structured two-day process without any distractions. We use the time to address pre-determined areas of focus as well as learn new ways to talk to each other and be with one another. Couples say that this process is unlike any other therapy process they have experienced. It helps couples to gain clarity, learn new skills, and practice those skills in real-time with hands-on coaching and facilitation.
My specialty is working with couples who need to make lasting changes quickly. This process provides the framework for the change and this change lasts if you consistently implement what you learn during our time together. I also specialize in helping you to understand the neuroscience that supports the work we will be doing.
This is unlike workshops or boot camps that are offered with other couples. The intensive is personalized specifically for your relationship and I will create a structure to make sure the work we do reflects your unique needs with your partner.
If you and your partner decide to commit and invest in this process, your work will start with some written questionnaires and a HIPAA-protected online assessment called the Gottman Relationship Checkup which each of you will complete a minimum of one week prior to our scheduled intensive. The Gottman Relationship Checkup is based on the 50 years of pioneering work by Drs. John & Julie Gottman and is grounded in the science of what makes a marriage succeed or fail. Their model has been shown to reduce divorce and significantly increase relationship satisfaction.
We will meet for two consecutive days from 9:00-5:00 on the first day and 9:00-4:00 on the second day.
You will have a short morning break, lunch break, and short afternoon break each day.
I suggest to couples that they consider staying in a resort or hotel overnight rather than going home between days 1 and 2. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the experience without the added stressors at home.
People often ask me if there is a guarantee.
What I can guarantee is that I will guide you and offer you proven skills and techniques that will address your specific concerns.
There are a couple of factors that will maximize your success. The first is for us to meet for an initial consultation to ensure that we are a good fit to work together. The second factor is your level of motivation and your willingness to practice what you learn in our time together.
I am careful to select couples who will be a good fit for an intensive as I know it is a significant investment in time, money, and your relationship.
Who is not a good candidate for this service?
if you are not committed to the intensive nature of this therapeutic process and/or your relationship
when there is an ongoing or undisclosed affair
when there is serious violence in the relationship
if you or your partner is suicidal or suffers from an untreated serious mental illness
when there is active addiction
If you are interested after reading this and would like to set up a time to talk, we will schedule a 50-minute telehealth consultation to make sure this is the right fit for you.
If we are not a good fit for each other, I will provide you with referrals for additional resources that can provide you with the support you need.